

To ensure the production of precision turned and milled parts that are entirely dimensionally accurate and in large quantities, we fulfill numerous requirements. Alongside a cutting-edge machine park, the extensive experience and expertise accumulated by our specialists over the years are crucial. This is why we attach great importance to the ongoing training and professional development of our employees, both through internal and external training programs.

On one hand, we guarantee the availability of essential young talent by providing ongoing training for multiple cutting machine operators. On the other hand, we maintain our skilled workers and masters at an exceptionally high professional level through regular qualification measures.

Yet another assurance of our commitment to the highest quality standards is our consistent quality assurance system and our DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 certification. Lastly, our rigorous quality standards are substantiated by inspections commissioned by some of our customers. Our operations also undergo audits from multiple OEMs in the automotive industry.

Zero defect strategy starts with Procurement

We initiate our zero-defect strategy right from procurement by selecting certified suppliers and adhering to monitored quality agreements. Our adaptable optical or electronic measuring systems, chosen according to production needs for series-accompanying measurements or end-of-line tests, also contribute to our ability to uphold exceptionally high quality standards.

Our machine and measuring technology aim to minimize rejects and the need for reworking at each process stage, ultimately leading to a zero-error rate. To achieve this, we monitor our production using state-of-the-art IT and SPC-supported production controls. Furthermore, we’re collaborating with the universities of Aachen and Cologne to develop new techniques for automated quality control.

This unwavering focus on precision and quality grants us a distinct competitive advantage over low-cost producers who often target the inexpensive mass market.


Phiesel GmbH
Antoniusstraße 1
53902 Bad Münstereifel-Wald

Telephone & E-MAIL:

Telephone: +49 (0)2257 958570
Fax: +49 (0)2257 9585749
E-Mail: info@phiesel-gmbh.de

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